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BARS Anti-Viral Net

Ryan Schultz | Published on 4/8/2020

Please com join us...   

On the Nightly Anti-Viral Net on the BARS 2m/440 Repeater System. 
To be held Every Night at 7:30 pm (19:30Local Central / 0030 UTC Time.  

During this Coronavirus Pandemic - While we are all shut in - Doing our part to comply with Social Distancing and Shelter-in-Place guidelines, by keeping our loved ones and ourself Safe and At Home. - Take a moment to also check in with your Ham Friends. - To share our common concerns, and experiences, our knowledge, and to pass on health and wellfare traffic, or to just share local news and views of any kind.  - but more importantly - To Stay Connected!

The Nightly Anti-Viral Net will rotate through Net Control Operators of those who volunteer to be NCOs.  The structure and organization of this Nightly Anti-Viral Net will vary and depend on the number of participants on any given night.  The A-V Net will run for about an hour, with the exceptions on if a regularly scheduled net is either in progress, or will start that night.  The Anti-Viral Net will continue Every Night for the duration of this COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Please pass along the word about this Nightly Anti-Viral Net to other hams, and other clubs, to be mentioned on their club nets, or posted on social media or club websites.  Feel free to post about the A-V Net on your own social media sites.  Share wherever and however you can, or see fit to do. 
We are communicators - let's communicate!

Please Contact:  Rob-K9NYO at if you are interested in helping host this Nightly Anti-Viral Net as a Net Control Operator. 

 – Nightly Anti-Viral Net – 

On the 
K9BAR Repeater Systems:  

–  2 meter:147.330 + Offset, PL Tone -107.2   and the    440/7c: 443.525 + Offset, PL Tone -114.8  
arelinked on Transmit and Receive. 
(2-m) 147.330 ↔ 443.525 (440/7c)

The Anti-Viral Net will be held EVERY NIGHT at 7:30 PM
0) Local Central Time / 0030 UTC Time.

If you have questions - Or if you interested in helping host this net as a Net Control Operator - 
Please Contact: Rob-K9NYO at

The Nightly Anti-Viral Net was started on Monday, March 16, 2020 
- and will continue through the duration of this COVID-19 Pandemic.

Stay Safe - Stay Calm - Stay Home & Carry On! 
- Take a Breath - 
We can get through this by being Seperated Together.

A BIG Thank You to:  
Rob-K9NYO, Gary-AA9JS, Jaye-W9CY
- for the idea and implementation of this Nightly Anti-Viral Net on behalf of BARS. 
Also, Thanks to Greg-KD9LDD (for the naming of this net).

- The BARS Board